文章摘要:数字贸易成为驱动全球经济增长的新引擎,逐渐受到各个国家和地区的重视。2022年正式生效的RCEP协定在推动区域数字贸易快速发展方面发挥重要作用。中国和RCEP成员国在数字产品贸易和数字服务贸易领域保持密切合作,并在合作机制、支持政策、数字技术等的加持下,进一步激发区域数字贸易潜力。但区域外不利因素、基础设施差异大、数字鸿沟、数字贸易发展理念分歧及信息安全等问题,成为区域数字贸易发展的绊脚石。中国与RCEP成员国应加强探索数字贸易规则,强化数字基础设施... 展开
Abstract:Digital trade has become a new engine for global economic growth. It is attracting the attention of countries and regions gradually. The RCEP plays an important role in promoting the development of the regional digital trade form 2022. China and RCEP members have maintained the close cooperation in trade of the digital products and digital services. It further stimulate the potential of regional digital trade by cooperation mechanisms... 展开