文章摘要:陕西省处于我国西北地区,是丝绸之路经济带的起点,依托中欧班列资源的有力支撑,其跨境电商经过多年发展取得了一定成绩,2022年跨境电商交易额增速高于全国水平。但与东部跨境电商发达省份相比,陕西省跨境电商起步晚、发展慢、规模小,仍面临跨境电商产业带集聚尚未形成、监管服务硬件配套仍不完善、生态体系建设有待加强、专业人才基础相对薄弱等问题。基于此,应加快推进跨境电商综试区建设,加快建设跨境电商重点产业园,建设中欧班列(长安号)跨境电商全国集结中心... 展开
Abstract:Shaanxi Province is located in the northwest of China in the starting point of the Silk Road Economic Belt. With the strong resources support of CHINA RAILWAY Express,cross-border e-commerce has made certain achievements after several years. In 2022,the growth rate of cross-border e-commerce transactions is higher than the national level. However,compared with the developed provinces of cross-border e-commerce in the eastern,Shaan... 展开