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作者:崔凤 张晓英 出版日期:2015年07月 报告页数:39 页 报告大小: 报告字数:33837 字 所属丛书:海洋社会蓝皮书 所属图书:中国海洋社会发展报告(2015) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:随着全球经济的一体化,海洋产业逐渐得到各国重视,已成为各国经济发展的新增长点。与此同时,伴随着国家的进步和社会经济的发展,国家对社会就业和人才工作越来越重视,党和国家领导人多次指出劳动就业是重大、长远的战略问题,党和政府要作为头等大事来抓。海洋产业的发展产生了一个庞大的就业群体——依托海洋、利用海洋在海洋产业中从事涉海活动,具有较强涉海性特征的涉海就业人口。不可否认海洋世纪的到来使得涉海就业人员已成为我国劳动大军的重要组成部分。但长期... 展开



Abstract:Along with the global economic integration,Marine industry attracts great attention,and has become a new growth point of the economic development in all countries. Meanwhile,as China have made much progress and the economy has greatly improved,the government paid much attention to the national employment. For many times,some leaders pointed out that employment was a major problem,and it related to long-term development and shoul... 展开

Abstract:Along with the global economic integration,Marine industry attracts great attention,and has become a new growth point of the economic development in all countries. Meanwhile,as China have made much progress and the economy has greatly improved,the government paid much attention to the national employment. For many times,some leaders pointed out that employment was a major problem,and it related to long-term development and should be put as a top priority. The development of Marine industry creates a large number of jobs and a group of people will be engaged in Marine industry. There is no denying the fact that the arrival of the ocean century makes marine employment become an important part of the labor force in our country. But for a long time,we have done few researches in employment situation related to marine industry and there are rare papers. Based on the statistic data of 2001-2012 published by the State Oceanic Administration,this paper selected marine employment related data,and analyzed our country’s marine employment change in quantity and quality distribution rule,and then summarized the important role of marine for national economic and social development and labor employment pressure relief.



崔凤:崔凤(1967~ ),男,吉林乾安人,中国海洋大学法政学院教授,博士后,研究方向:海洋社会学、环境社会学、社会保障。

