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作者:宋宁而 崔凤 出版日期:2015年07月 报告页数:19 页 报告大小: 报告字数:17849 字 所属丛书:海洋社会蓝皮书 所属图书:中国海洋社会发展报告(2015) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:我国海洋社会发展经历了1978年改革开放至20世纪90年代初期的“起步阶段”,20世纪90年代至21世纪初的“积累阶段”,以及21世纪初至今的“全面发展阶段”;目前,海洋社会发展已开始受到国家重视,相关政策与法制建设不断完善,海洋硬实力显著提升,海洋社会发展理念日趋多元化,沿海地区间协调发展的必要性日益凸显;同时,海洋社会发展也存在着战略性规范滞后、体制与法制不完善、海洋硬实力仍显不足、区域间发展不平衡加剧、海洋生态环境恶化、遭遇全球化挑战等问题。由... 展开



Abstract:Ocean society in China has been developing rapidly these years. The development of ocean society in China can be divided into three periods:“Starting Period” from the reform and opening-up in 1978 to the 1990s as its first period,“Accumulation Period” from the 1990s to the beginning of the 21st century as its second period,“All-round Development Period” from the beginning of the 21st century until nowadays as its third period... 展开

Abstract:Ocean society in China has been developing rapidly these years. The development of ocean society in China can be divided into three periods:“Starting Period” from the reform and opening-up in 1978 to the 1990s as its first period,“Accumulation Period” from the 1990s to the beginning of the 21st century as its second period,“All-round Development Period” from the beginning of the 21st century until nowadays as its third period. It is also found out in this report that the development of ocean society has already been given attention by government,concerned policies and legal construction have been improving continuously,marine hard power has been significantly improving,the idea of ocean society development has shown the trend of diversification,and the coordinated development among different regions has become increasingly necessary. Meanwhile,it also points out that the strategic of ocean society development is not enough,the obstruction from imperfect system and legal institution is still obvious,marine hard power is still falling behind,the unbalanced development among different regions has become more serious,marine ecological environment degradation still remains,and the challenge of globalization is inevitable nowadays. Therefore,it can be forecasted that the overall planning of ocean society development will be strengthened,marine hard power will be improved continuously,new fields of ocean society will develop more quickly than traditional fields,the trend of diversification will be more obvious,and the development of ocean society will depend more on international cooperation and exchange. So it is important to make ocean business planning and policies more strategically,improve marine hard power specifically,carry out ocean management comprehensively,strengthen marine education,and take part in international cooperation and exchange in the field of ocean society development.



崔凤:崔凤(1967~ ),男,汉族,吉林乾安人,中国海洋大学法政学院教授,博士生导师,哲学博士,社会学博士后,主要从事海洋社会学、环境社会学研究。

宋宁而:宋宁而(1979~ ),女,汉族,上海人,讲师,博士,主要研究领域为海洋社会学。
