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作者:鲍宏铮 出版日期:2024年01月 报告页数:15 页 报告大小: 报告字数:13118 字 所属丛书:上海合作组织黄皮书 所属图书:上海合作组织发展报告(2023) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:上合组织的司法合作开展20多年来,其领域已从安全和反恐逐步扩展至民商事司法领域。在目前民商事司法领域具体合作机制还不多的情况下,全球范围内以及本地区与上合组织有重叠的其他国际组织的现有民商事司法合作机制便成为分析上合组织在这一领域发展情况的重要依据。在全球层面,如联合国的《货物销售合同公约》、海牙私法会议的《送达公约》、仲裁行业内部的《华盛顿公约》、世贸组织上诉机构等机制,在地区层面,如独联体的示范法、《基辅协议书》以及欧亚经济联盟的法... 展开



Abstract:Over the past two decades,judicial cooperation within the SCO has expanded from security and counter-terrorism to commercial law. Given the limited number of specific cooperation mechanisms in commercial law,existing tools for global and regional cooperation in this area,including those within other international organisations that overlap with the SCO,serve as essential references for analysing the development of the SCO in this ... 展开

Abstract:Over the past two decades,judicial cooperation within the SCO has expanded from security and counter-terrorism to commercial law. Given the limited number of specific cooperation mechanisms in commercial law,existing tools for global and regional cooperation in this area,including those within other international organisations that overlap with the SCO,serve as essential references for analysing the development of the SCO in this field. At the global level,mechanisms such as the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods,the Hague Convention on the Service Abroad of Judicial and Extrajudicial Documents,the Washington Convention within the arbitration industry,and the Appellate Body of the World Trade Organization have laid the groundwork for commercial law cooperation within the SCO. At the regional level,mechanisms such as the model laws of the Commonwealth of Independent States,the Kyiv Protocol,and the courts of the Eurasian Economic Union have also contributed to commercial law cooperation within the SCO. However,further collaboration among member states is still needed due to the need for systematic integration and incomplete coverage among these mechanisms. As a significant driving force in the region’s economic activities,China possesses advantages in terms of economic level,business environment,and regional influence. Therefore,China can contribute its wisdom and provide Chinese solutions to the SCO’s commercial law cooperation by formulating new rules and other means.


