文章摘要:气候临界点具有不可逆性和难以预测性,气候临界点之间存在着多米诺骨牌效应。研究发现,当前已有5个气候临界点处于危险区间,已经被突破或者很快就会被突破。这5个危险的气候临界点是格陵兰冰盖崩塌、南极西部冰盖崩塌、北极多年冻土突然解冻、低纬度珊瑚礁消亡、拉布拉多海—副极地对流系统崩溃。另有11个临界点属于有可能被激活的临界点。最新的研究结果表明,青藏高原可能是一个全新的临界要素,并且已经处于被激活状态。为了扭转气候临界点被激活的不利局面,促进全球... 展开
Abstract:Climate tipping points are irreversible and difficult to predict,and there is domino effects between them. One study has found that five tipping points are already in danger zones and have been or will soon be crossed. The five dangerous tipping points are Greenland ice sheet collapse,West Antarctic ice sheet collapse,Boreal permafrost abrupt thaw,Low-latitude coral reefs die-off,and Labrador Sea/subpolar gyre convection collapse... 展开