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作者:韩香 出版日期:2023年08月 报告页数:14 页 报告大小: 报告字数:15924 字 所属图书:丝绸之路研究集刊·第九辑(粟特研究专号) 浏览人数: 下载人数:


Abstract:The Silk Road reached its peak during the Mediaeval Times which the Eastern and Western civilization exchanged with each other closely. Sogdians,being a commercial group,were so active in Sogdiana,Persia,Eastern Rome Empire and China. At that time,they were not only engaged in trade,but also spread the culture which the seals are part of it. There unearthed various western and eastern seals in Central Asia or the Western Region.... 展开

Abstract:The Silk Road reached its peak during the Mediaeval Times which the Eastern and Western civilization exchanged with each other closely. Sogdians,being a commercial group,were so active in Sogdiana,Persia,Eastern Rome Empire and China. At that time,they were not only engaged in trade,but also spread the culture which the seals are part of it. There unearthed various western and eastern seals in Central Asia or the Western Region. And some western-Style seals are also discovered in the tombs of the north China in Mediaeval Times. Sogdians are probably the disseminators of the seals. Based on the archaeological materials unearthed in the West and the East,we discuss the role of Sogdians in the spreading of the seals on the Silk Road.


