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作者:罗雪瑜 出版日期:2023年10月 报告页数:15 页 报告大小: 报告字数:13274 字 所属丛书:东盟文化蓝皮书 所属图书:东盟文化发展报告(2023) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:文学制度的现代化是文学现代化的一个表现,而文学评奖又是文学制度中的重要面向。20世纪90年代以来,老挝以设立国家主导的全国性文学评奖为契机,不断吸引本土作家和诗人投身文学创作,同时鼓励他们参加东盟文学奖、湄公河文学奖等地区性文学评奖。2022年,老挝参加了2021年东盟文学奖和湄公河文学奖颁奖典礼、举办了庆祝2022年老挝—越南友好团结年征文比赛,并在全国各地举办多场地方性文学赛事。从整体上看,文学评奖是本年度老挝文学发展的重要内容。通过文学评奖,老... 展开



Abstract:The modernization of literary institution is a manifestation of the modernization of literature,while literary awards are an important aspect of the literary institution. Since the 1990s,Laos has taken the opportunity of establishing a state-led national literary award to continuously attract local writers as well as poets to devote themselves to literary creation. At the same time,the Lao government also encourages local writers a... 展开

Abstract:The modernization of literary institution is a manifestation of the modernization of literature,while literary awards are an important aspect of the literary institution. Since the 1990s,Laos has taken the opportunity of establishing a state-led national literary award to continuously attract local writers as well as poets to devote themselves to literary creation. At the same time,the Lao government also encourages local writers and poets to actively participate in regional literary awards such as the S.E.A.Write Award and the Mekong River Literature Award. In 2022,Laos participated in three large-scale literary awards related activities,and several local literary competitions across the country,literary awards then became an important part of the development of Lao literature this year. Through literary awards,Laos has not only effectively promoted the modernization of its contemporary literature,but also played a positive role in bringing Lao literature and culture to the regional stage.


