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作者:张季风 蔡桂全 李浩东 出版日期:2023年10月 报告页数:27 页 报告大小: 报告字数:23064 字 所属丛书:日本经济蓝皮书 所属图书:日本经济与中日经贸关系研究报告(2023) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:日本未提出过碳达峰的目标,但其近半个世纪的经济发展实践充分体现了日本为实现碳达峰所做的各种努力。20世纪70年代初期,日本从治理公害入手,调整产业结构,着力开发新能源,推广节能技术,为实现碳达峰奠定了良好的基础。1993年日本加入《联合国气候变化框架公约》后,积极参与应对气候变化的国际合作,推动《京都议定书》落地生效,成就其“环境大国”的形象。日本在推动低碳化路线过程中,出现过各种利益集团的博弈和争斗,但博弈各方最后妥协,在推行循环经济以及低... 展开



Abstract:Japan has not made a formal commitment to a specific carbon peaking target,but its efforts towards this goal have been demonstrated through its economic development practices over the past half century. In the early 1970s,Japan began implementing pollution control measures and restructuring its industries,with a focus on developing new energy sources and promoting energy-efficient technologies. These efforts laid a solid foundation... 展开

Abstract:Japan has not made a formal commitment to a specific carbon peaking target,but its efforts towards this goal have been demonstrated through its economic development practices over the past half century. In the early 1970s,Japan began implementing pollution control measures and restructuring its industries,with a focus on developing new energy sources and promoting energy-efficient technologies. These efforts laid a solid foundation for achieving carbon peaking. After joining the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in 1993,Japan actively participated in global climate cooperation and played a key role in the establishment of the Kyoto Protocol,establishing itself as an “environmental leader”. While Japan transitioned towards a low-carbon path,various interest groups engaged in competition and conflicts,but ultimately reached a compromise and promoted cooperation,advancing plans such as the circular economy and a low-carbon society. This culminated in the achievement of carbon peaking in 2013. Drawing on Japan’s experiences and trajectory towards achieving carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals,this article contends that Japan’s carbon peaking measures were comprehensive. While emissions reduction was certainly critical,forest carbon sequestration and international carbon trading cooperation were also essential components. China can learn from Japan’s practices by enhancing its legal framework,optimizing its industrial structure,reducing its coal dependence,improving energy efficiency,and strengthening its innovation capacity. At the same time,China needs to balance its economic development with carbon emissions reduction,foster international carbon trading cooperation with Japan and other countries,and work towards realizing its carbon peaking target by 2030.




