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作者:杨成玉 出版时间:2017年06月 报告页数:19 页 报告大小: 报告字数:17820 字 所属丛书: 所属图书:欧洲发展报告(2016~2017) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:本文首先结合中欧钢铁产业发展、对外贸易、产能变迁的历程比较,揭示中欧钢铁贸易争端的时代背景,以及中国产能过剩的形成原因和化解路径;其次进行中欧钢铁贸易现状分析,并细分至具体国别和产品视角;再次进行中欧钢铁产品国际竞争力的比较分析,为理解中欧钢铁贸易争端提供理论层面的视角;最后阐述2016年欧盟对中国钢铁产品贸易救济调查情况及原因。分析表明:(1)中欧钢铁产业困境各不相同,但中国钢铁产品在全球市场走俏、削减产能力度大与欧盟钢铁产品出口乏力、... 展开



Abstract:Based on a comparison of the development of steel industry,foreign trade and capacity transformation between China and Europe,this report first describes the background of the steel trade dispute between the two sides,the reasons for excess capacity in China and possible solutions for the problem. Secondly,from the perspective of specific countries and products,this report analyzes the current situation of the steel trade in Chin... 展开

Abstract:Based on a comparison of the development of steel industry,foreign trade and capacity transformation between China and Europe,this report first describes the background of the steel trade dispute between the two sides,the reasons for excess capacity in China and possible solutions for the problem. Secondly,from the perspective of specific countries and products,this report analyzes the current situation of the steel trade in China and Europe. Thirdly,a comparison of the steel products’ international competitiveness between China and Europe is made,which provides a theoretical viewpoint for understanding the steel dispute between China and Europe. Last but not least,this report explains the outcome of and causes for the EU’s trade remedy investigations into Chinese steel products. The analysis ends with the following conclusions. First,the steel industry dilemma that China and Europe are facing respectively are different in that Chinese steel products sell well on the global market and it takes great efforts to cut capacity,while the EU’s export of steel products is weak and it takes less efforts to cut capacity. Second,the recent years have witnessed a great improvement of international competitiveness of China’s steel products,and as a result,the demand and dependence of China’s steel products towards the EU market has sharply declined. By contrast,the EU is increasing its dependence on the Chinese market. As the steel trade structure between China and Europe is converging,China doesn’t satisfy the motives,logics or conditions for dumping to the EU. Third,against the background of weak global demand,the global competitiveness of Chinese steel products improves constantly and their market share is expanding,which contrasts with the declining global competitiveness and continuous decrease of market share of the EU’s steel products. Consequently,adopting the “surrogate country” approach is more convenient for the EU to launch the trade remedy measures.



