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作者:杨成玉 出版时间:2017年06月 报告页数:11 页 报告大小: 报告字数:8065 字 所属丛书: 所属图书:欧洲发展报告(2016~2017) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2016年欧盟经济维持复苏形势,但经济增速略显乏力,尤其表现在欧元区成员国方面。对外贸易与投资均呈现出不同程度的收紧,欧盟参与经济全球化的积极性正在下降。在劳动力市场有稍许改善的同时,欧元区财政赤字和债务率依然高悬。通货膨胀率虽未达到欧洲央行预期,但正处于上升通道。此外,在金融市场方面,欧盟股票市场相对繁荣,汇率存在贬值压力,市场利率持续走低。预计2017年欧洲央行继续实行量化宽松政策,欧元区通胀率将进一步上升并在一定程度上激发市场活力,但债... 展开



Abstract:The European economy continued the trend of recovery in 2016,but the growth was feeble with a moderate rate,especially in the Eurozone. The EU showed different degrees of decrease in its foreign trade and outbound investment and its enthusiasm towards economic globalization was declining. Although the situation of the labor market improved slightly,the fiscal deficit and debt ratio still remained at a very high level. The inflation... 展开

Abstract:The European economy continued the trend of recovery in 2016,but the growth was feeble with a moderate rate,especially in the Eurozone. The EU showed different degrees of decrease in its foreign trade and outbound investment and its enthusiasm towards economic globalization was declining. Although the situation of the labor market improved slightly,the fiscal deficit and debt ratio still remained at a very high level. The inflation rate was indicative of an upward trend,despite the fact that it was still within the expectation of the European Central Bank(ECB).On the side of the financial market,the EU’s stock market was relatively prosperous,while the currency was under depreciation pressures and the interest rate remained low. It is expected that the ECB will maintain the quantitative easing policy in 2017. As a result,the EU’s inflation rate will rise further and the market’s vitality be stimulated to some extent. Nevertheless,the problem of high debt ratio will still remain unsolved. Against the background of a series of uncertainties such as the growing anti-globalization tide,the general elections in several European countries and the crisis in the banking sector,the economic growth of the EU will face an atmosphere of confusion and panic in 2017.



