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作者:邓浩 李莹莹 出版日期:2023年09月 报告页数:15 页 报告大小: 报告字数:13164 字 所属丛书:上海合作组织黄皮书 所属图书:上海合作组织发展报告(2022) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2021年是上合组织成立20周年。作为发祥地,中国在上合组织20年的发展历程中不断贡献先进的政治合作理念,积极支持组织机制和制度建设,精心运筹上合组织的战略规划,热心推动上合组织务实合作,成为“上海精神”的积极倡导者、坚定捍卫者和勇于践行者。上合组织扩员后,中国提出构建上合组织命运共同体重大倡议,为扩员后上合组织的发展指明了前进方向和奋斗目标。总体来看,未来构建上合组织命运共同体的机遇大于挑战,中国应与成员国一道练好上合组织内功,不断强化“上... 展开



Abstract:The year of 2021 marks the 20th anniversary of the SCO. As the birthplace of the SCO,China has contributed advanced ideas on political cooperation over the past 20 years,China actively supported the development of the SCO’s mechanisms and institutions,carefully planned the SCO’s strategic plan,and actively promoted practical cooperation among the SCO member states. China has become a staunch defender and practitioner of the Shan... 展开

Abstract:The year of 2021 marks the 20th anniversary of the SCO. As the birthplace of the SCO,China has contributed advanced ideas on political cooperation over the past 20 years,China actively supported the development of the SCO’s mechanisms and institutions,carefully planned the SCO’s strategic plan,and actively promoted practical cooperation among the SCO member states. China has become a staunch defender and practitioner of the Shanghai Spirit. After the expansion of the SCO,China put forward the major initiative of building an SCO community with a shared future,charting out the direction and goals for the SCO’s development in the new era. Above all,the opportunities for building an SCO community with a shared future are greater than the challenges. The SCO should strengthen its internal skills,strengthen its awareness of SCO cooperation,step up its participation in global governance,and strive to build a just and equitable new regional and international order.



