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作者:张煜坤 张楠楠 韩振 出版时间:2023年05月 报告页数:15 页 报告大小: 报告字数:12638 字 所属丛书: 所属图书:中国跨境电商发展报告(2023) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:法定数字货币可降低国与国之间货币信息传递的复杂度和信息处理成本,有利于提高货币信息传递和跨境贸易金融活动的时效。由于货币的国际地位受国家经济体量、科技水平、国际政治地位、军事实力等方面影响,而法定数字货币目前尚不足以成为影响国际货币地位的主要因素,因此各国都在积极探索本国货币参与国际竞争的有效途径,数字货币或将重塑国际货币体系。我国数字货币的研究成果为人民币国际化奠定了基础。本文在介绍数字货币发展进程及演变趋势的基础上,比较不同数字货... 展开



Abstract:Central Bank Digital Currency can reduce the complexity and the intermediate cost of the monetary information transmission between countries. It is profit to improving the timeliness of monetary information transmission and cross-border trade and financial activities. And the international status of monetary is affected by the country’s economic volume,the scientific and technological level,the international political status,the m... 展开

Abstract:Central Bank Digital Currency can reduce the complexity and the intermediate cost of the monetary information transmission between countries. It is profit to improving the timeliness of monetary information transmission and cross-border trade and financial activities. And the international status of monetary is affected by the country’s economic volume,the scientific and technological level,the international political status,the military power. Central Bank Digital Currency is insufficient to become the main factor affecting the status of international currency at present. Therefore,countries are actively exploring effective ways for local currencies to participate in international competition. Digital currency may remodeling the international monetary system. The research results of China’s digital currency have laid the foundation for the internationalization of Chinese Yuan. The report compares and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages between the different digital currencies from the development process and trend of digital currency,further elaborating the governance and challenges of digital currency and giving prominence of the necessity of digital currency issuance by the central bank. Through analyzing the prospect of China’s Central Bank Digital Currency,the report puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions on the development of China’s Central Bank Digital Currency.





