文章摘要:伴随着养宠人群数量的增长,“宠物经济”成为全球经贸发展的热点之一,同时跨境电商、数字经济等新兴业态成为世界经济发展新引擎,两个发展热点的碰撞带来更多的际遇。本文梳理了全球及中国宠物行业的发展现状,总结了美国、欧洲、日本等发达地区的宠物行业发展经验,指出我国宠物行业跨境电商面临经济形势严峻、行业乱象严重、国际龙头企业缺乏、医疗保健和生活服务发展滞后等挑战,并认为当前环境下宠物行业标准化和合规化需进一步加强,卖家应选择多渠道出海和提高创新... 展开
Abstract:With the growth of pet owners,“pet economy” has become one of the hotspots of global economic and trade。Meanwhile,cross-border e-commerce and digital economy have become the new engines for global economic that has brought more opportunities. The report reviews the current status of the pet industry in the world and China,summarizes the development experience of the pet industry in the United States,Europe,Japan and other deve... 展开