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作者:贾锐杰 出版时间:2023年05月 报告页数:15 页 报告大小: 报告字数:11874 字 所属丛书:跨境电商蓝皮书 所属图书:中国跨境电商发展报告(2023) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2020年新冠大流行后,全球电商发展全面提速,提前走完了之后几年的路径,并随着疫情的结束逐渐回调至原本的增长曲线。在不断翻新的外贸数据中,跨境电商新业态贡献显著,也迎来了更多政策红利。在越来越多的企业自主加强品牌化发展以及销售平台的流量驱动下,我国跨境电商品牌化趋势日益突出,但不同企业间的品牌力差距很大,形成了知名国牌、跨境电商原生品牌、制造商转型品牌、“商标型”品牌共同“闯荡”国际市场的发展局面。如何做好品牌营销并在海外立足纳客,成了诸... 展开



Abstract:After the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020,the global e-commerce has accelerated comprehensively,completing the path of the next few years in advance,and gradually returning to the original growth curve with the end of the epidemic. In the constantly updated foreign trade data,cross-border e-commerce has made a significant contribution to the new industry,and also brings more dividend policies. Driven by more and more en... 展开

Abstract:After the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020,the global e-commerce has accelerated comprehensively,completing the path of the next few years in advance,and gradually returning to the original growth curve with the end of the epidemic. In the constantly updated foreign trade data,cross-border e-commerce has made a significant contribution to the new industry,and also brings more dividend policies. Driven by more and more enterprises focusing on the independent brand development and the flow of platforms,the trend of China’s cross-border e-commerce branded has become increasingly prominent. However,the brand influence between different enterprises is wide. It has formed a development situation of famous national brand,cross-border e-commerce native brand,manufacturer transformation brand and “trademark” brand to explore the international market. How to do well in brand marketing and attract customers overseas has become the compulsory course for all cross-border e-commerce enterprises. The sellers can make efforts in terms of products,dissemination,channel layout and other aspects to continuously improve the brand influence in combination with the experience of the leading brand in the industry.



