文章摘要:人口老龄化是世界各国普遍面临的问题。从国际通用标准来看,以色列已经进入老龄化阶段。在应对老龄化问题上,以色列不仅采用了包括公共养老保险、私人养老保险在内的双层养老保险制度,而且还率先实施了长期照护保险制度,以社会化筹资的方式分担老人照护费用,并逐步向科技养老、健康养老的模式发展。疫情期间,以色列政府基本维持并适当提高了养老保障支出,并为老年残障人士、低收入老年群体提供了补助,养老保障政策及内容未发生大的变动,政策的完整性及持续性较强。... 展开
Abstract:The aging of the population is a common problem faced by all countries in the world. According to international standards,Israel has already entered the stage of aging. In order to deal with the aging problem,Israel not only adopted the two-tier pension system of public pension and private pension,but also took the lead in establishing and implementing the long-term care insurance system to share the care costs of the elderly in th... 展开