文章摘要:2021年6月贝内特领导的执政联盟,终结了内塔尼亚胡长达12年的连续执政,开启了以色列政坛的新征程。区别于内塔尼亚胡突出“国家安全”、强化以色列“犹太国家”属性的施政重点,贝内特政府加强了对少数族群和边缘群体的保护,缓和与巴勒斯坦的关系,修补以色列与美国关系,改善以色列的国际形象。贝内特政府的政策,在一定程度上缓和了以色列的内外矛盾,执政表现也得到了国内民众的认可。但由于受以色列政治和社会现实的制约,贝内特政府仍面临疫情管控、政党矛盾、美以... 展开
Abstract:The coalition government lead by Naftali Bennett took office in June 2021 and ended the 12-years-long Benjamin Netanyahu era,which opened a new stage for Israel’s political arena. Different from Netanyahu’s focus on national “Jewish-ization” and “national security”,Bennett stressed the protection of rights of minority groups and marginal groups. He took measures to ease the tension with the Palestinian blocs,restore Israel’s... 展开