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作者:苗润莲 童爱香 出版时间:2022年05月 报告页数:14 页 报告大小: 报告字数:9592 字 所属丛书:低碳发展蓝皮书 所属图书:中国碳中和发展报告(2022) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:碳达峰与碳中和愿景的提出为中国经济和社会发展明确了新方向,同时对科技创新和技术发展提出了新要求。推动和依靠绿色技术创新作为共同的战略选择来实现碳中和目标已成为主要发达国家的共识,未来推动实现碳中和必须依靠技术创新和重大技术突破,科技创新是同时实现经济社会发展和碳达峰、碳中和目标的关键。本报告概括了碳达峰、碳中和目标的战略意义,从当前的碳排放规模、行业结构、能源结构方面分析中国实现碳中和目标的挑战,并对国外科技支撑实现碳中和目标的实践进... 展开



Abstract:The proposal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality vision not only defines a new direction for China’s economic and social development,but also puts forward new requirements for scientific and technological innovation and technological development. Promoting and relying on green technology innovation as a common strategic choice to achieve the goal of carbon neutrality has become the consensus of major developed countries. In the fut... 展开

Abstract:The proposal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality vision not only defines a new direction for China’s economic and social development,but also puts forward new requirements for scientific and technological innovation and technological development. Promoting and relying on green technology innovation as a common strategic choice to achieve the goal of carbon neutrality has become the consensus of major developed countries. In the future,promoting carbon neutrality must rely on technological innovation and major technological breakthroughs. Scientific and technological innovation is the key to achieve economic and social development and carbon peak and carbon neutrality goals at the same time. This report summarizes the strategic significance of the carbon peak carbon neutrality goal,analyzes the challenges of China’s realization of the carbon neutrality goal from the current carbon emission scale,industry structure and energy structure,and analyzes and draws lessons from the practice of foreign science and technology supporting achieve the carbon neutrality goal. On this basis,from accelerating the top-level design of scientific and technological innovation under the carbon neutrality goal,promoting technological reform in the energy field Scientific and technological innovation contributes to the deep decarbonization of the industry and speeds up the R &;D and application of decarbonization/negative emission technology,and puts forward paths and suggestions for scientific and technological support to achieve the goal of carbon neutrality.




