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作者:夏添 出版日期:2023年03月 报告页数:19 页 报告大小: 报告字数:21566 字 所属丛书:英国蓝皮书 所属图书:英国发展报告(2021~2022) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2021~2022年度,英国政党政治呈现明显的分裂化、碎片化特征。保守党政府试图将工作重点从应对新冠疫情转移到社会经济建设,推进“拉动地区平衡计划”,然而层出不穷的丑闻严重损害了政府的公信力与工作效率,并且导致鲍里斯·约翰逊辞职下台。工党采取谨慎、务实的策略维持现有的支持率,希望强化内部纪律与政党团结,修复科尔宾时期留下的党内分化,但作为英国最大反对党过于被动和保守,缺乏积极建树。自由民主党显示出复苏迹象,未来有望与工党进一步展开合作。苏格兰... 展开



Abstract:British party politics became more fragmented and divisive during 2021-2022. The Conservative government tried to shift its focus from the COVID-19 pandemic to social and economic development and promote a “Levelling Up” strategy. However,a series of scandals damaged the credibility and efficiency of the government and led to the resignation of Boris Johnson. The Labour Party has adopted a cautious and pragmatic strategy to maintai... 展开

Abstract:British party politics became more fragmented and divisive during 2021-2022. The Conservative government tried to shift its focus from the COVID-19 pandemic to social and economic development and promote a “Levelling Up” strategy. However,a series of scandals damaged the credibility and efficiency of the government and led to the resignation of Boris Johnson. The Labour Party has adopted a cautious and pragmatic strategy to maintain public support,hoping to strengthen internal discipline and unity and repair the divisions left by Jeremy Corbyn. But as the largest opposition party in the UK,Labour is too passive and conservative to achieve much progress. The Liberal Democrats are showing signs of revival,with the prospect of further cooperation with Labour. The Scottish National Party(SNP),the Democratic Unionist Party(DUP)and other regional parties are also dominated by the ideologies of identity politics and electoral politics. They stubbornly push for Scottish independence and the unilateral amendment of the Northern Ireland Protocol,which increases the political and socio-economic risks in the UK.


