文章摘要:太平洋岛国的海洋产业和海洋管理独具特色。海洋渔业发展平稳,海产品产量逐步增加;部分太平洋岛国尝试重开边境,努力在公共卫生与依赖旅游业的经济复苏之间寻求平衡;各方对深海采矿的态度仍存在明显分歧,对海洋生态系统的环境影响是各方共同关切点,瑙鲁和库克群岛等岛国支持开采。海洋金融作为新兴事物支持太平洋地区海洋可持续发展,太平洋岛国呼吁绿色气候基金、全球环境基金、适应基金等全球融资机构增加在海洋及气候变化领域的投资。2021年,太平洋岛国积极提升海... 展开
Abstract:Marine industries and marine management in Pacific islands are unique. As the marine fishery has saw stable growth,the seafood output has increased gradually;some Pacific islands countries are now seeking to reopen their borders and finding a balance between the public health and the resuscitating of economy that relies heavily on tourism;although the parties concerned still have obvious disputes over deep-sea mining,and the envir... 展开