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作者:宁团辉 林铎 出版日期:2023年03月 报告页数:24 页 报告大小: 报告字数:32114 字 所属丛书:太平洋岛国蓝皮书 所属图书:太平洋岛国发展报告(2022) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2021年太平洋岛国仍面临新冠肺炎疫情的严峻挑战,多个国家遭受疫情的严重冲击,开展抗疫国际合作、寻求外部医疗和经济援助成为太平洋岛国外交的重点。同时,作为全球气候变暖的直接受害者,太平洋岛国通过积极的外交手段,推动世界在应对疫情的同时持续关注气候议题,并在地区内外采取实际措施,展现应对气候挑战的决心和凝聚力。2021年,太平洋岛国论坛秘书长换届风波导致五国宣布退出太平洋岛国论坛,地区主义发展受挫,但各国在应对疫情和气候变化等挑战方面仍有广泛共... 展开



Abstract:In 2021,Pacific Island countries are still facing the severe challenge of COVID-19,and some countries have been hit hard by the epidemic. International cooperation against COVID-19 and seeking external medical and economic assistance have become the priority of their diplomacy. At the same time,as direct victims of global warming,Pacific Island Countries have,through active diplomatic means,promoted the world to continue to pay ... 展开

Abstract:In 2021,Pacific Island countries are still facing the severe challenge of COVID-19,and some countries have been hit hard by the epidemic. International cooperation against COVID-19 and seeking external medical and economic assistance have become the priority of their diplomacy. At the same time,as direct victims of global warming,Pacific Island Countries have,through active diplomatic means,promoted the world to continue to pay attention to the climate issue while responding to the epidemic,and adopted practical measures both within and outside the region to demonstrate their resolve and cohesion in tackling the climate challenge. In 2021,the change of the secretary general of the Pacific Islands Forum led to the withdrawal of the five countries from the Forum,and the development of regionalism suffered a setback. However,there is still broad consensus among countries on addressing challenges such as COVID-19 and climate change. At the bilateral level,the traditional relations between Pacific island countries and Australia and New Zealand continue to develop steadily,and their relations with Japan have been upgraded. Both China and the U.S. are increasing their input to the Pacific island countries. While promoting bilateral relations,the Pacific island countries strive to maintain their independent self-determination and avoid being drawn into the game of great powers.



