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作者:章远 肖秀女 出版日期:2023年03月 报告页数:17 页 报告大小: 报告字数:16279 字 所属丛书:“一带一路”蓝皮书 所属图书:“一带一路”建设发展报告(2022) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:8年来,在共建“一带一路”的倡议推动下,“一带一路”建设重点工程在西亚地区取得实质性进展,惠及当地民生建设。中国与西亚地区不仅在传统能源、基础设施建设等各传统合作领域有重大建树,还在数字经济、清洁能源、科技创新等方面不断生成新的合作增长点,共享发展机遇。2019年末以来,新冠肺炎疫情在世界范围的蔓延跌宕反复,各国均面临在抑制病毒传播同时复兴经济的艰巨任务,百年变局加速演进。中国和西亚地区国家在稳步推进原有合作项目的同时,于2021年围绕共同抗... 展开



Abstract:In the past eight years,under the initiative of “One Belt,One Road”,key projects of BRI have made substantial progress in West Asian countries,benefiting local people’s livelihood. China and West Asian countries have not only made significant achievements in traditional cooperation areas such as conventional energy and infrastructure construction,but also generated new growth areas for cooperation in digital economy,clean ene... 展开

Abstract:In the past eight years,under the initiative of “One Belt,One Road”,key projects of BRI have made substantial progress in West Asian countries,benefiting local people’s livelihood. China and West Asian countries have not only made significant achievements in traditional cooperation areas such as conventional energy and infrastructure construction,but also generated new growth areas for cooperation in digital economy,clean energy,science and technology innovation,etc.,sharing development opportunities. China and the West Asian countries will continue their existing cooperation programs while engaging in more intensive friendship in areas such as the joint fight against the pandemic and the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. China’s cooperation with the West Asia region is facing ever-changing challenges due to the changing international environment,with major power competition,regional unrest and lack of security order. In response,China and West Asian countries are striving to achieve a higher level of cooperation,practicing the principle of mutual consultation,joint construction and sharing,working together in high quality to build the Belt and Road,towards the goal of “high standards,sustainability and benefit for people’s livelihoods”.



