文章摘要:为了应对日益严峻的城市极端高温挑战,美国规划协会(APA)在2022年发布了《应对城市热浪的韧性规划》(PlanningforUrbanHeatResilience),阐述了城市热浪风险的严峻性与复杂性,认为城市规划能够在应对热浪问题方面发挥关键作用,并提出了应对热浪风险的城市韧性规划框架。在该框架下,通过“热缓解”和“热管理”两大方向推进实施“热弹性”规划的具体策略。该报告中的战略框架和实施策略对于我国城市提升应对热浪风险的能力具有一定的参考和借鉴意义。 展开
Abstract:In response to the growing challenge of urban heat risks,the American Planning Association(APA)released Planning for Urban Heat Resilience in 2022. The report describes the severity and complexity of urban heat risks,identifies the key role that urban planning can play in addressing heat,and proposes a planning framework for urban resilience to address the challenges of heat risks. Under this framework,the report puts forward sp... 展开