文章摘要:美国加州南部城市圣迭戈于2021年8月通过的公园体系总体规划提出,在延续圣迭戈既有公园系统发展的基础上,致力于打造一个面向所有人服务的、互联性的世界级公园网络。结合圣迭戈的特色条件,该规划分类部署了区域自然资源性公园、城市已开发区域公园、娱乐中心、水上活动场所、河流公园等不同类型的公园体系,并特别强调服务共享和机会公平。为了应对城市人口老龄化等发展趋势,该规划提出增强公园空间可达性以及功能多样性的目标,并制定了人均面积、交通可达时间等一系... 展开
Abstract:San Diego,the southern city of California,adopted a “Parks Master Plan” in August 2021. The plan builds on the development of San Diego’s existing park system and aims to create a world-class network of interconnected parks for all. Based on the local characteristics of San Diego,different types of park systems such as resource-based regional parks,developed regional parks,recreation centers,aquatic complexes,and river parks... 展开