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作者:陈晨 出版时间:2023年03月 报告页数:9 页 报告大小: 报告字数:7089 字 所属丛书:国际城市蓝皮书 所属图书:国际城市发展报告(2023) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:美国加州南部城市圣迭戈于2021年8月通过的公园体系总体规划提出,在延续圣迭戈既有公园系统发展的基础上,致力于打造一个面向所有人服务的、互联性的世界级公园网络。结合圣迭戈的特色条件,该规划分类部署了区域自然资源性公园、城市已开发区域公园、娱乐中心、水上活动场所、河流公园等不同类型的公园体系,并特别强调服务共享和机会公平。为了应对城市人口老龄化等发展趋势,该规划提出增强公园空间可达性以及功能多样性的目标,并制定了人均面积、交通可达时间等一系... 展开



Abstract:San Diego,the southern city of California,adopted a “Parks Master Plan” in August 2021. The plan builds on the development of San Diego’s existing park system and aims to create a world-class network of interconnected parks for all. Based on the local characteristics of San Diego,different types of park systems such as resource-based regional parks,developed regional parks,recreation centers,aquatic complexes,and river parks... 展开

Abstract:San Diego,the southern city of California,adopted a “Parks Master Plan” in August 2021. The plan builds on the development of San Diego’s existing park system and aims to create a world-class network of interconnected parks for all. Based on the local characteristics of San Diego,different types of park systems such as resource-based regional parks,developed regional parks,recreation centers,aquatic complexes,and river parks are deployed in the planning,with special emphasis on sharing and equity. In order to cope with the development trend of urban population structure such as aging,the plan proposes the goal of increasing the spatial accessibility and functional diversity of parks and developing a series of quantitative index systems such as area per capita,and time of arrival. The overall planning and deployment of the park system embodied in this plan,as well as the concepts of fairness,sharing,diversity,vitality and inclusiveness,have certain reference significance for the development of the park system in Chinese cities.



