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作者:中国汽车工程研究院股份有限公司 车联网安全联合实验室 出版日期:2022年10月 报告页数:33 页 报告大小: 报告字数:26245 字 所属丛书:智能网联汽车蓝皮书 所属图书:智能网联汽车网络安全与数据安全发展报告(2022) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:本报告首先对智能网联汽车数据进行精确的分类,探讨了当前美国、欧盟和日本等的汽车数据安全立法现状,并与中国立法现状做比较。中国智能网联汽车行业起步较晚,可借鉴国外的立法经验完善数据安全法律体系。同时,研究发现智能网联汽车数据的合规性在一些典型场景下面临挑战,包括车内数据保护和用户隐私泄露等。为了增强对智能网联汽车的数据安全防护,需要明确汽车数据在常见场景下面临的安全威胁,如数据窃取、数据篡改等。为此,需设计解决问题的技术和安全方案,制定... 展开



Abstract:This section first for smart snatched the classification of the common data accurately,study and analysis of the current car data safety of the legislative status quo of the United States,the European Union and Japan and other countries,with the domestic legislation present situation,because the domestic intelligent snatched the car starts late,the legislative advantages of studying abroad to perfect data security legal system. T... 展开

Abstract:This section first for smart snatched the classification of the common data accurately,study and analysis of the current car data safety of the legislative status quo of the United States,the European Union and Japan and other countries,with the domestic legislation present situation,because the domestic intelligent snatched the car starts late,the legislative advantages of studying abroad to perfect data security legal system. The research found that the current challenges and problems of data compliance of connected vehicles in some typical scenarios,including in-vehicle data protection and user privacy leakage and other security issues. In order to enhance the data security protection of connected vehicles,the security threats in common scenarios,such as data theft and data tampering,are identified. Formulate and design the technology and security scheme to solve the problem,formulate the corresponding data security protection measures,such as data encryption,data signature and secure transmission. Finally,we clarify the specific application of data security in practice,including data cross-border,data identification and supervision,data security evaluation and review,etc..



中国汽车工程研究院股份有限公司:(简称“中国汽研”) 成立于1963年,是国家一类科研院所。近年来,中国汽研聚焦“安全”“绿色”“体验”三大技术领域,形成了集检测中心、工程中心、智能中心、新能源中心、数据中心、孵化中心及装备产业于一体的集群体系,提供解决方案、软件数据、装备工具三类产品。在网络安全与数据安全方面,中国汽研先后承担了车联网安全综合服务平台、智能网联汽车安全检测平台、车联网身份认证平台、智能网联汽车车载安全网关等四项国家课题,获工信部授牌“2020年车联网安全应用试点示范项目”,已在通信安全、数据安全和隐私安全检测、OTA应用安全检测和渗透测试等方面形成检测能力,并为行业主管部门政策标准制定提供技术支撑。
