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作者:王慧英 出版时间:2023年01月 报告页数:14 页 报告大小: 报告字数:10528 字 所属丛书: 所属图书:北京对外开放发展报告(2022) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:提升北京文化旅游国际吸引力,不仅有利于提振疫情后北京文化旅游发展,促进经济增长,还有利于展现全国文化中心的城市魅力,增强国际交流与合作。但与国内外典型旅游城市相比,北京入境游客人数、旅游收入远远落后于这些城市。报告在总结北京文化旅游发展趋势及发展经验的基础上,发现北京文化旅游发展在资源开发、核心内容、数字化旅游服务、对外宣传推广方面存在不足,建议通过深度开发文化旅游资源,将海外年轻游客作为新的市场拓展目标,创新国际推广方式,发展数字化... 展开



Abstract:Enhancing the international attractiveness of Beijing’s cultural tourism is not only conducive to boosting the development of Beijing’s cultural tourism after the epidemic and promoting economic growth,but also conducive to displaying the charm of the national cultural center and enhancing international exchanges and cooperation. Compared with the typical tourism cities at home and abroad,Beijing lags far behind these cities in te... 展开

Abstract:Enhancing the international attractiveness of Beijing’s cultural tourism is not only conducive to boosting the development of Beijing’s cultural tourism after the epidemic and promoting economic growth,but also conducive to displaying the charm of the national cultural center and enhancing international exchanges and cooperation. Compared with the typical tourism cities at home and abroad,Beijing lags far behind these cities in terms of the number of inbound tourists and tourism income. On the basis of summing up the development trend and experience of cultural tourism,it is found that there are gaps in the development of cultural tourism in Beijing in terms of resource development,core content,digital tourism services and external publicity and promotion. It is suggested that the in-depth development of cultural tourism resources,aiming the young tourists as the target of market development,innovating the international promotion means and developing digital cultural tourism and services should be performed to enhance the international attraction of Beijing’s cultural tourism.



