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作者:付林 吴彦廷 出版日期:2022年12月 报告页数:13 页 报告大小: 报告字数:9086 字 所属丛书:气候变化绿皮书 所属图书:应对气候变化报告(2022) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:当前,清洁低碳热源短缺问题突出。而我国有非常丰富的低品位余热资源,充分利用这些余热,完全可以满足北方地区的供暖需求。基于此,本文提出了以低品位余热为主的城镇零碳清洁供热模式,并进行了成本分析。该模式的供热成本约79.6元/GJ,低于燃气锅炉的综合供热成本。因此,应在北方地区全面推广该供热模式,国家应尽快出台配套方案推广使用该模式,并建立跨行业、跨区域、跨企业的低碳清洁供热发展机制,制定全国余热供热规划,并将符合国家供热规划的大型余热供热项目... 展开



Abstract:The shortage of clean and low-carbon heat sources is prominent in China,while there are abundant low temperature waste heat resources,and by using the waste heat,the demand of the heating in the northern region can be satisfied. Based on these,a new carbon neutral and clean heating mode in Chinese northern cities and towns with low temperature waste heat is proposed,and a cost analysis is carried. The comprehensive heating cost o... 展开

Abstract:The shortage of clean and low-carbon heat sources is prominent in China,while there are abundant low temperature waste heat resources,and by using the waste heat,the demand of the heating in the northern region can be satisfied. Based on these,a new carbon neutral and clean heating mode in Chinese northern cities and towns with low temperature waste heat is proposed,and a cost analysis is carried. The comprehensive heating cost of this new model is about 79.6 yuan /GJ,which is lower than the comprehensive heating cost of gas-fired boilers. To comprehensive promote this new mode in north China,it will be needed to state clearly as soon as possible that heating should be developed according to this model,and to establish a cross-industry,cross-regional,cross-enterprise low carbon clean heating development mechanism,and to formulate the national waste heat heating plans,and to state large waste heat heating projects into national infrastructure construction category. In addition,during the “14th Five-Year Plan”,we should step up the formulation of national waste heat heating planning and increase the support of relevant technology research and development team,at the same time,vigorously promote the construction of a number of waste heat heating projects,laying a solid foundation for the comprehensive promotion of low temperature waste heat heating model in the northern region.



