文章摘要:IPCC第六次评估报告(AR6)第二工作组(WG Ⅱ)报告系统性地描述了研究人员观测和预估的气候变化影响和风险、气候变化适应措施,以及对气候恢复力发展等内容的最新科学认识。报告指出,气候变化已对自然和人类系统造成了广泛而普遍的不利影响,且更多证据显示与极端事件相关的影响可归因为人为排放等人类活动;适应措施的有效性因系统而异,且随着气候变暖水平的提升而降低。AR6指出气候恢复力发展(CRD)需要减缓和适应措施并举,并强调CRD要支持公平的可持续发展。WG Ⅱ... 展开
Abstract:The Working Group Ⅱ (WGⅡ) report of the IPCC Sixth Assessment (AR6) report systematically describes the latest scientific understanding of observed and projected climate change impacts and risks,climate change adaptation options,and climate resilience development. The report shows that climate change is already causing widespread adverse effects on natural and human systems,and there is more evidence that the impacts associat... 展开