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作者:陈新 冯仲平 出版日期:2022年12月 报告页数:12 页 报告大小: 报告字数:9703 字 所属丛书:欧洲蓝皮书 所属图书:欧洲发展报告(2020~2021) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2020年突如其来的新冠肺炎疫情和英国最终脱欧,给欧洲带来双重冲击。疫情暴发之初欧盟及其成员国未对此给予足够的重视,加上欧盟本身特殊的治理缺陷,导致其未能及时有效地防控疫情。同时,由于急于恢复经济和社会常态,各国在封城和解禁之间反复,令疫情在欧洲不断蔓延且多次“复发”。目前各国全力为接种疫苗做准备,但何时走出疫情仍存在不确定性。疫情对欧洲经济产生重大冲击,2020年欧洲各国出现了自二战以来最大的衰退。欧洲央行主动出击,通过实施疫情债券计划等政... 展开



Abstract:The sudden outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic and Brexit in 2020 brought about dual brunt to Europe. At the beginning of the outbreak,the EU and its member states did not pay enough attention to the virus. This,together with the EU’s governance pitfalls led to the failure of effectively preventing and controlling the pandemic in a timely manner. At the same time,as a result of hurrying to restore economic and social normalcy,European ... 展开

Abstract:The sudden outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic and Brexit in 2020 brought about dual brunt to Europe. At the beginning of the outbreak,the EU and its member states did not pay enough attention to the virus. This,together with the EU’s governance pitfalls led to the failure of effectively preventing and controlling the pandemic in a timely manner. At the same time,as a result of hurrying to restore economic and social normalcy,European governments cautiously made the tradeoff between lockdown and lifting restrictions. Now,all countries are making every effort to prepare for vaccinating their population,but it remains unknown when the pandemic could be put behind. The pandemic hit the European economy drastically,which experienced the biggest recession since World War II in 2020. The European Central Bank took measures to maintain market stability by implementing a set of policies such as the COVID-19 bond plan. The leaders of 27 EU members finally reached an agreement on the economic recovery plan after difficult negotiations,but the approval of the plan was hampered by the European Parliament,and the member states also had different opinions on the approval of the plan. The United Kingdom finally completed Brexit and realized “self-release”. The impact of Brexit on both Britain and Europe will continue showing up. Facing the complex geopolitical environment and changes in the global strategic landscape,the EU proactively promoted the implementation of open strategic autonomy. China-EU relations became a pilot field for Europe to implement strategic autonomy in 2020. Despite the pandemic,2020 was still a “big year” for China-EU relations with progresses made in many areas.



