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作者:王金鹏 姜璐璐 出版日期:2022年11月 报告页数:17 页 报告大小: 报告字数:21271 字 所属丛书:北极蓝皮书 所属图书:北极地区发展报告(2021) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:海底电缆被视为关键的基础设施,关乎数据和信息安全。海底电缆对北极地区可持续发展具有重要作用。近年来全球气候变暖、北极无冰区面积的增加以及北极地区可通航时间的延长为海底电缆的铺设提供了更多机会。俄罗斯、芬兰、挪威等北极国家均在推动北极海底电缆的铺设。其中既有主要分布于这些国家沿海水域的海底电缆,也有试图通过国家间的合作推进的跨大陆和泛北极的海底电缆系统。但北极海底电缆铺设的实践发展仍面临特殊生态环境、国家博弈和水域竞争性使用等带来的挑战... 展开



Abstract:Submarine cables are considered as critical infrastructure for data and information security. Submarine cables play an important role in the sustainable development of the Arctic region. In recent years,with the global warming,the increase of the ice-free areas and the extension of the sailing times in the Arctic have provided more opportunities for the laying of submarine cables. Arctic States such as Russia,Finland and Norway are... 展开

Abstract:Submarine cables are considered as critical infrastructure for data and information security. Submarine cables play an important role in the sustainable development of the Arctic region. In recent years,with the global warming,the increase of the ice-free areas and the extension of the sailing times in the Arctic have provided more opportunities for the laying of submarine cables. Arctic States such as Russia,Finland and Norway are promoting the laying of Arctic submarine cables. There are not only submarine cables mainly distributed in the coastal waters of these States,but also multi-continental and Pan-Arctic submarine cable systems promoted through cooperation between relevant States. However,the development of Arctic submarine cable laying practices still faces challenges such as special ecological environment,state game and competitive use of waters. China can participate in the laying of submarine cables through bilateral or multilateral cooperation with Arctic States,promote the development of domestic submarine cable technologies,and ensure the security of data transmission.



