文章摘要:辽中南城市群是我国工业起步较早、城镇化水平较高的区域,是辽宁乃至东北经济发展的重要支撑带。但随着近年来辽宁经济步入爬坡上坎、滚石上山的关键期,辽中南城市群固有的区域协调机制不健全、核心城市辐射能力较弱、产业协同程度较低、一体化水平不高等问题开始制约区域经济高质量发展,未来亟须在推动产业协同创新发展、创新产业协同发展机制、共建东北亚对外开放新前沿、推动生态环保一体化建设、共创区域协调发展新模式等方面持续推进,促进以沈阳、大连为双核的辽中... 展开
Abstract:The central and southern Liaoning urban agglomeration is an area with earlier industrial start and higher level of urbanization in China,and it is an important support belt for the economic development of Liaoning province and even northeast China. However,as The economy of Liaoning enters the critical period of climbing up the hill and rolling up the hill in recent years,the inherent regional coordination mechanism of the central ... 展开