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作者:洪晓文 出版日期:2022年11月 报告页数:19 页 报告大小: 报告字数:24240 字 所属丛书:菲律宾蓝皮书 所属图书:菲律宾发展报告(2020~2021) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:受新冠肺炎疫情影响,2020年菲律宾对外防务交流活动一度陷入停滞,一年一度的菲美“肩并肩”联合军演因疫情取消,双边线下“军对军”对话也有所减少,客观上为杜特尔特政府调整菲美同盟关系制造了契机。此外,疫情冲击之下,菲律宾国防部门遭遇资金、物资、人才短缺的挑战,“防务现代化”第二阶段目标能否如期完成仍是未知数。在此背景下,菲律宾更加注重军购来源与军备合作的多元化,并实现了与印度等非传统防务伙伴国家的防务关系升级。对华关系方面,杜特尔特政府则继... 展开



Abstract:Affected by the Covid-19,the Philippines’ overseas military activities were once closed and stagnated in 2020. The annual Philippine-US joint military exercise “Balikatan 2020” was cancelled due to the pandemic,and the frequency of face-to-face bilateral dialogues has also decreased. Objectively speaking,this situation has created an opportunity for the Rodrigo Duterte government to reconsider the Philippine-US alliance. In addi... 展开

Abstract:Affected by the Covid-19,the Philippines’ overseas military activities were once closed and stagnated in 2020. The annual Philippine-US joint military exercise “Balikatan 2020” was cancelled due to the pandemic,and the frequency of face-to-face bilateral dialogues has also decreased. Objectively speaking,this situation has created an opportunity for the Rodrigo Duterte government to reconsider the Philippine-US alliance. In addition,the Philippine defense department is challenged by the lack of funds,materials,and talents. Thus,whether procurement plans in the second horizon of the “AFP modernization program” can be completed on schedule still left unknown. In this context,the Philippines has diversified its weapons procurement sources and arms cooperation,and focuses on developing defense partnership with non-traditional defense partner countries such as India. In terms of relations with China,the Duterte administration continues to uphold the hedging strategy and strengthen military cooperation with China in low-sensitivity areas. Particularly,the pandemic prevention materials and vaccine provided by China to the Philippine army provide new possibilities for enhancing mutual trust between them.


