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作者:桂泽元 出版日期:2022年11月 报告页数:14 页 报告大小: 报告字数:11544 字 所属丛书:法国蓝皮书 所属图书:法国发展报告(2022) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:新冠肺炎疫情大流行后,法国政府针对其关键领域生产能力不足的情况,在“法国振兴”计划(France Relance)框架内明确提出要实施产业回迁,其根本目的在于保障自身生产供应能力、恢复经济韧性和维护经济主权。“法国振兴”计划框架下的产业回迁项目共公布八批,目前已全部完成,在培育核心领域生产能力、拉动社会投资和刺激就业等方面取得了一定成效。本轮产业回迁政策后期实施过程中也出现了新的变化和发展趋势。本文将从2021年“法国振兴”计划框架下产业回迁的背景出发... 展开

文章摘要:新冠肺炎疫情大流行后,法国政府针对其关键领域生产能力不足的情况,在“法国振兴”计划(France Relance)框架内明确提出要实施产业回迁,其根本目的在于保障自身生产供应能力、恢复经济韧性和维护经济主权。“法国振兴”计划框架下的产业回迁项目共公布八批,目前已全部完成,在培育核心领域生产能力、拉动社会投资和刺激就业等方面取得了一定成效。本轮产业回迁政策后期实施过程中也出现了新的变化和发展趋势。本文将从2021年“法国振兴”计划框架下产业回迁的背景出发,重点介绍本轮产业回迁的规模、地域分布和行业分布等情况,并对未来法国产业回迁的发展趋势进行展望。


Abstract:Since the outbreak of Covid-19,the outbreak of French government has clearly proposed to implement the industrial relocalization policy in the framework of “France Relance” in response to the lack of production capacity in key sectors. The fundamental purpose is to safeguard the production and supply capacity,restore economic resilience and economic sovereignty. Eight batches of industrial relocalization projects have been announc... 展开

Abstract:Since the outbreak of Covid-19,the outbreak of French government has clearly proposed to implement the industrial relocalization policy in the framework of “France Relance” in response to the lack of production capacity in key sectors. The fundamental purpose is to safeguard the production and supply capacity,restore economic resilience and economic sovereignty. Eight batches of industrial relocalization projects have been announced under the framework of “France Relance”,achieving certain results in fostering production capacity in core sectors,and stimulating social investment and employment. There are also new changes and development trends in the later phase implementation of the industrial relocalization policy. This article will focus on the scale,geographical distribution and industry distribution of the current round of relocalization in the context of the 2021 “France Relance”,and provide an outlook on the future development trend of the French industrial relocalization policy.



