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作者:裴钟硕 出版日期:2022年07月 报告页数:15 页 报告大小: 报告字数:15063 字 所属图书:非洲研究 2022年第1卷(总第18卷) 浏览人数: 下载人数:


Abstract:ROK’s policy towards Africa has been continuously adjusted in response to changes in the international landscape. During the Cold War,ROK-Africa relations were focused on political interests. After the end of the Cold War,ROK focused on the “Diplomacy with Four Powers”,that is,on developing relationship with China,the US,Japan and Russia,and paid less attention on its relationship with Africa. It was not until the launch of ... 展开

Abstract:ROK’s policy towards Africa has been continuously adjusted in response to changes in the international landscape. During the Cold War,ROK-Africa relations were focused on political interests. After the end of the Cold War,ROK focused on the “Diplomacy with Four Powers”,that is,on developing relationship with China,the US,Japan and Russia,and paid less attention on its relationship with Africa. It was not until the launch of “Korea’s Initiative for Africa’s Development” in 2006 that ROK embraced a turning point in its policy towards Africa. However,the policy now faces the lack of political influence,strategic guidance,systematic and sustained economic assistance and other challenges. In order to compensate for its relatively weak hard power,ROK has in recent years taken a different approach in its public diplomacy. It is now committed to building a positive image of the country in Africa through “soft power”.


