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作者:吴艳 出版时间:2022年08月 报告页数:13 页 报告大小: 报告字数:12246 字 所属丛书: 所属图书:大洋洲发展报告(2020~2021) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2020年突如其来的新冠肺炎疫情尽管并未在太平洋岛国出现大范围蔓延,但是由于其社会经济固有的“脆弱性”特征,新冠肺炎疫情对太平洋岛国造成的影响也更为长期和复杂。近年来,美国、澳大利亚和日本持续强化对太平洋岛国的外交政策,导致地区力量格局发生深刻变化。在新冠肺炎疫情背景下,太平洋岛国一方面缺乏持续防控疫情短期内实现经济复苏的能力,另一方面受制于发达国家为提升地区影响力所提供的政策选择,实现可持续发展诉求与外部环境之间的矛盾更为突出。疫情防控... 展开



Abstract:The fragility of the social and economic development and the sensitivity to big powers’ policy have been two major features of Pacific Island Countries(PIC)in the process to achieve sustainable development goals. In 2020,the COVID-19 brought an unprecedented impact to the worldwide. Although the Pandemic did not spread in the large-scale in PIC region,the impact of COVID-19 will be a long-term and far-reaching risk. In recent yea... 展开

Abstract:The fragility of the social and economic development and the sensitivity to big powers’ policy have been two major features of Pacific Island Countries(PIC)in the process to achieve sustainable development goals. In 2020,the COVID-19 brought an unprecedented impact to the worldwide. Although the Pandemic did not spread in the large-scale in PIC region,the impact of COVID-19 will be a long-term and far-reaching risk. In recent years,in order to hedge against China’s rising influence in PIC,the United States,Australia and Japan continued to strengthen the foreign policy towards PIC,which has made a profound change of regional power landscape. Under the background of COVID-19,on the one hand,PIC lack the ability to continuously prevent and control the pandemic and achieve economic recovery in the short term,on the other hand,they are subject to the policy choices provided by developed countries to enhance regional influence. Therefore,the contradiction between the PIC demands for sustainable development and the external environment is getting more and more prominent. During the pandemic,China focus on the field of public health and carried out close cooperation with PIC,which is the promotion of building a community of common destiny for all mankind and the result of deepening practical cooperation and comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Pacific island countries.



