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作者:王军 出版日期:2020年11月 报告页数:24 页 报告大小: 报告字数:20822 字 所属丛书:可持续发展蓝皮书 所属图书:中国可持续发展评价报告(2020) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:新冠肺炎疫情作为一个重大的外部强冲击,给全球经济社会活动以及可持续发展带来广泛和深远的影响。本文分析了疫情对经济全球化及中国可持续发展产生的冲击,认为:疫情使贸易保护主义势头再次增强,但不会削弱中国供应链的优势;疫情使中国经济遭遇到改革开放以来最严重的一次短期衰退,也凸显了中国可持续发展面临的复杂内外部环境与全方位风险挑战,但随着疫情得到有效控制,中国经济已经开始逐步恢复。后疫情时代,要重视全面提升中国可持续发展能力。对内:短期而言应... 展开



Abstract:The outbreak,as a major external shock,has exerted a broad and far-reaching impact on global economic and social activities and its sustainable economic development. This article analyzes the impact of the epidemic on the economic globalization and China’s sustainable development. It concludes that the outbreak may see the rise of trade protectionism,but it will not diminish the advantage of China’s supply chain;that the virus h... 展开

Abstract:The outbreak,as a major external shock,has exerted a broad and far-reaching impact on global economic and social activities and its sustainable economic development. This article analyzes the impact of the epidemic on the economic globalization and China’s sustainable development. It concludes that the outbreak may see the rise of trade protectionism,but it will not diminish the advantage of China’s supply chain;that the virus has plunged China’s economy into its worst short-term recession since the reform and opening up,and highlighted the complex internal and external environment and all-round risks and challenges facing China in its sustainable development;and that the containment of the epidemic has seen the recovery of China’s economy. In the post-COVID-19 era,it is important to comprehensively enhance China’s capacity for sustainable development. Domestically,the short-term priority is to stabilize demand promptly,improve systems and mechanisms for the prevention and control of major epidemic,and take the initiative to strengthen weak spots in the medical and health sectors,and take measures to boost economic recovery. The long-term tasks are to solve the long-term structural and institutional problems facing China’s economy from the supply side. That is,we should advance structural reform,foster new growth areas and poles,and firmly seize the initiative in development,so as to comprehensively improve the overall competitiveness of Chinese economy and its ability of sustain development. Externally,we should fight COVID-19 together,promote economic and trade cooperation,pursue broader international exchanges and cooperation,redouble efforts to avoid the resurgence of trade frictions,and advance a new round of globalization with stronger global cooperation.


