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作者:吴德堃 出版时间:2022年08月 报告页数:25 页 报告大小: 报告字数:22076 字 所属丛书: 所属图书:俄罗斯发展报告(2022) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2021年俄罗斯地方政治形势总体保持了稳定可控。地方政权交接稳步推进,“统一俄罗斯”党在9个联邦主体推举和支持的地方首脑候选人均顺利当选,其余2个联邦主体首脑虽然由体制内反对派当选,但总体符合联邦中央的政治安排。此外,“统一俄罗斯”党在地方议会选举中尽管得票率有所下降,但依旧保持了大部分地区议会多数党地位。俄罗斯共产党和新人党在地方议会保持强劲增长态势,得票率和席位数量稳步上升。在制度层面,俄罗斯继续加强联邦中央对地方的垂直管理,进一步完善... 展开



Abstract:In 2021,the political situation in the local level of Russia is generally stable and controllable. The handover of local power is progressing steadily. In nine federations,the candidates for the local heads recommended and supported by the “United Russia” are all successfully elected. Although the remaining two federation heads are supported by the opposition,they generally conform to the political arrangement of the Federal Cent... 展开

Abstract:In 2021,the political situation in the local level of Russia is generally stable and controllable. The handover of local power is progressing steadily. In nine federations,the candidates for the local heads recommended and supported by the “United Russia” are all successfully elected. Although the remaining two federation heads are supported by the opposition,they generally conform to the political arrangement of the Federal Central Committee. In addition,the “United Russia” maintains its majority in most local parliamentary elections despite a drop in the number of votes. The Communist Party and the New People show growth momentum in local councils,with a steady increase in the number of votes and seats. At the institutional level,Russia continues to strengthen the vertical management by the federal central government and further improve the local governance model. The reform of the overall plenipotentiary system of the federal districts,gives the Deputy Prime Minister the power to directly supervise them. At the same time,the passed Law on the Basic Principles of Public Administration promotes the construction of a unified public power system after the revision of the constitution,increases the control of power at the urban level,and straightens out the central government’s governance channel to the grassroots.



