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作者:范娟荣 出版时间:2020年05月 报告页数:21 页 报告大小: 报告字数:23210 字 所属丛书:海外公共安全与合作蓝皮书 所属图书:海外公共安全与合作评估报告(2020) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2019年“伊斯兰国”虽遭重创,但其作为恐怖组织仍然存在,且与南亚、东南亚、非洲等地本土恐怖势力勾连更紧密,跨地区暴恐联动效应更强。与此同时,“基地”组织转变战略,积聚实力、伺机而动。国际反恐斗争形势依然严峻复杂,尤其是“一带一路”沿线国家和地区地缘政治形势复杂、宗教矛盾尖锐、国内战乱不断、恐怖袭击频发,中国海外公共安全面临的安全风险越发严重。因此,中国应加强顶层设计,以构建人类命运共同体为指导思想;坚持预防为先,提高风险防范意识;不断建... 展开



Abstract:Although the Islamic State got severely damaged in 2019,it continued to exist as a terrorist organization,and was more closely associated with local terrorist forces in South Asia,Southeast Asia,Africa and other places,with a stronger connected effect of cross-regional violence and terrorism. At the same time,Al Qaeda is actively adjusting its strategy to accumulate strength and waiting for opportunities to take actions. Therefo... 展开

Abstract:Although the Islamic State got severely damaged in 2019,it continued to exist as a terrorist organization,and was more closely associated with local terrorist forces in South Asia,Southeast Asia,Africa and other places,with a stronger connected effect of cross-regional violence and terrorism. At the same time,Al Qaeda is actively adjusting its strategy to accumulate strength and waiting for opportunities to take actions. Therefore,the situation of the international fight against terrorism remains grim and complex. Countries and regions along the Belt and Road Initiative(BRI),in particular,face increasingly serious security risks because of their complex geopolitical situation,sharp religious conflicts,incessant civil wars and frequent terrorist attacks. As a result,security risks to China’s overseas interests have become more serious. China should strengthen the “top-level design” and take General Secretary Xi Jinping’s vision of “building a community with a shared future for humanity” as the guiding ideology. In addition,China should put prevention first and raise the awareness of risk prevention. China also needs to continuously establish and improve mechanisms and platforms for safeguarding the security of its overseas interests. Finally,China should strengthen counter-terrorism cooperation among various parties in accordance with the “one country,one policy” guideline to effectively safeguard China’s overseas interests.



