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作者:王珩 于桂章 出版日期:2021年07月 报告页数:14 页 报告大小: 报告字数:14672 字 所属丛书:国家形象蓝皮书 所属图书:中国国家形象传播报告(2020~2021) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:近年来中非全面合作关系迅速发展,中非正朝着构建更加紧密的命运共同体有力迈进,但国际保守主义抬头、民粹思潮兴起、媒体舆论歪曲等外部威胁也让新形势下的中非关系面临更加复杂的挑战。本文基于非洲媒体肯尼亚《民族日报》2019年的涉华报道,从词频、分类、情感倾向等方面分析《民族日报》涉华报道整体态势,发现非洲媒体涉华报道集中于经济和政治领域。同时,通过梳理基础设施建设、进出口贸易、中非关系等主要议题的涉华报道,总结非洲主流媒体在涉华报道上的表现方式... 展开



Abstract:In recent years,the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation has developed rapidly,and China and Africa are making strong progress towards building a closer community with a shared future. But at the same time,internal and external threats such as the rise of international conservatism,the rise of populism and the distortion of media also make Sino-African relations face more complex challenges under the new situation. In this context,s... 展开

Abstract:In recent years,the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation has developed rapidly,and China and Africa are making strong progress towards building a closer community with a shared future. But at the same time,internal and external threats such as the rise of international conservatism,the rise of populism and the distortion of media also make Sino-African relations face more complex challenges under the new situation. In this context,strengthening the monitoring and summary of social public opinion in Africa is the objective need to maintain the long-term and healthy development of China-African cooperative relations in the new era. Based on the sample of China-related reports of Daily Nation in 2019,this paper analyzes the overall situation and main topics of China-related reports in Kenyan National Daily,and puts forward some strategic suggestions to promote and guide China-related public opinion in Africa and to establish a positive image of China in Africa.



