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作者:王中亚 出版时间:2022年04月 报告页数:13 页 报告大小: 报告字数:11535 字 所属丛书: 所属图书:中国区域经济发展报告(2021~2022) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:创新在我国现代化建设全局中居于核心地位,科技自立自强成为我国发展的战略支撑。河南建设国家创新高地,要顺应新时代科技创新发展新趋势。河南创新综合实力持续提升,创新支撑体系持续完善,创新主体活力持续迸发,创新协同效应持续凸显,具备了建设国家创新高地的基本条件。河南建设国家创新高地也存在一些短板和弱项,创新要素投入不足,产出水平不高,载体平台不多,生态环境不优。国内其他地区实施创新驱动发展战略取得的成功经验值得河南学习借鉴,如探索建立科技创... 展开



Abstract:Innovation occupies the core position in the overall situation of China’s modernization construction,and self-reliance and self-improvement of science and technology has become the strategic support for China’s development. Henan’s construction of national innovation highland should conform to the new trend of scientific and technological innovation and development in the new era. In recent years,Henan’s comprehensive strength o... 展开

Abstract:Innovation occupies the core position in the overall situation of China’s modernization construction,and self-reliance and self-improvement of science and technology has become the strategic support for China’s development. Henan’s construction of national innovation highland should conform to the new trend of scientific and technological innovation and development in the new era. In recent years,Henan’s comprehensive strength of innovation has been significantly improved,the innovation support system has been increasingly improved,the vitality of innovation subjects has burst out,and the synergy effect of innovation has been constantly highlighted,which has met the basic conditions for building a national innovation highland. The comparative analysis results show that there are some shortcomings and weaknesses in the construction of national innovation highland in Henan Province,such as insufficient innovation input,insufficient output level,insufficient carrier platforms and inadequate ecological environment. The successful experience of implementing innovation-driven development strategy in other regions of China,such as exploring the establishment of leading institutions for scientific and technological innovation,relying on the layout of innovation platforms in advantageous areas,making every effort to build high-end carriers for scientific and technological innovation,and actively linking elements of innovation resources outside the region. Henan should learn from these successful experiences. We should take various measures to promote the transformation of Henan’s grand goal of national innovation highland into reality by raising the level of understanding,increasing capital investment,consolidating talent support and deepening mechanism reform.



