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作者:陈异 陆筱薇 出版时间:2022年03月 报告页数:21 页 报告大小: 报告字数:15199 字 所属丛书: 所属图书:中国投资发展报告(2022) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:碳中和大背景下,企业的可持续发展受到社会各界的强烈关注,国内机构投资者对ESG投资理念的认知不断深化,越来越多的公募基金管理机构参与到ESG投资中。本文从宏观环境、投资特征等多角度分析了中国公募基金ESG投资的现状,并借鉴海外经验对中国公募基金ESG投资的发展给出了建议和展望。统计数据显示,中国ESG投资基金以“泛ESG基金”为主,2020年以来规模加速扩张;泛ESG投资基金多配置权益市场且尤其青睐电气设备、电子、生物医药等行业;与市场基准收益相比,多数ESG投... 展开



Abstract:In the context of carbon neutrality,the sustainable development of enterprises has attracted extensive attention from the society. Domestic institutional investors have deepened their understanding of ESG investment concept,and more and more mutual funds have participated in ESG investment. This paper analyzes the current situation of Chinese mutual funds’ ESG investment from many aspects,including macro environment,investment sc... 展开

Abstract:In the context of carbon neutrality,the sustainable development of enterprises has attracted extensive attention from the society. Domestic institutional investors have deepened their understanding of ESG investment concept,and more and more mutual funds have participated in ESG investment. This paper analyzes the current situation of Chinese mutual funds’ ESG investment from many aspects,including macro environment,investment scale,investment strategy and investment return,and gives suggestions and prospects for the development of Chinese mutual funds’ ESG investment by drawing on overseas experience. Based on data,China’s ESG investment funds are dominated by “quasi-ESG funds”,and their scale has accelerated since 2020. China’s ESG investment funds are heavily invested in the equity market and especially favor the industries like electrical equipment,electronics,biomedicine. The majority of China’s ESG investment funds posted higher returns compared to the market benchmark. Looking to the future,with the further improvement of the superstructure related to ESG investment,the penetration of ESG investment concept will accelerate,the investment scale of Chinese mutual funds ESG will continue to expand,and the investment methods will continue to innovate and diversify.




