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作者:陈思杨 出版日期:2022年03月 报告页数:15 页 报告大小: 报告字数:12892 字 所属丛书:中东欧蓝皮书 所属图书:中东欧国家发展报告(2021) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2020年,政治方面,波兰举行了总统选举,法律与公正党支持的时任总统杜达以微弱优势获得连任;政府进行改组,不仅重新规划了部门,还任命了一批新的部长,卡钦斯基成为副总理。经济方面,受到新冠肺炎疫情冲击,波兰经济出现近30年来首次负增长,政府出台“反危机之盾”来应对疫情对经济的负面影响。社会方面,由于堕胎法案的实施,波兰出现30年来规模最大的社会抗议活动。外交方面,波兰继续维持同美国的亲密关系,与欧盟的关系并未得到明显改善。对华关系方面,中波关系... 展开



Abstract:In terms of political development,Poland held its presidential election in 2020. The President supported by the Law and Justice Party,Andrzej Duda,was re-elected with a narrow advantage. The departments of government was reorganized,and new ministers appointed;Kaczyński became the deputy Prime Minister. In the economic sphere,due to the impact of COVID-19,the Polish economy experienced negative growth for the first time in nea... 展开

Abstract:In terms of political development,Poland held its presidential election in 2020. The President supported by the Law and Justice Party,Andrzej Duda,was re-elected with a narrow advantage. The departments of government was reorganized,and new ministers appointed;Kaczyński became the deputy Prime Minister. In the economic sphere,due to the impact of COVID-19,the Polish economy experienced negative growth for the first time in nearly 30 years. The Polish government issued the “Anti-Crisis Shield” program to deal with the economic downturn. In the social sphere,the largest social protest in 30 years broke out due to the implementation of the abortion bill. In terms of diplomacy,Poland continues to maintain close relations with the United States,and its relations with the European Union have not been significantly improved. In Sino-Polish relations,the two countries developed further cooperation under the framework of the “Belt and Road” Initiative and China-CEEC Cooperation Mechanism,but they also encounter challenges in the new international environment.


