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作者:牛政科 出版日期:2020年06月 报告页数:16 页 报告大小: 报告字数:15331 字 所属丛书:国际共运黄皮书 所属图书:国际共产主义运动发展报告(2019~2020) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:美国共产党建党至今一百年,其间历经帕麦尔大搜捕、麦卡伦法、共产党控制法等反共法案考验,既有领导工人阶级组建工会、开展阶级斗争的成功经验,也有组织路线错误、盲目追随苏联的失败教训。在纪念成立一百年大会上,美共提出继续坚持以建设“权利法案社会主义”作为党的奋斗目标。在策略上,美共一方面通过积极支持民主党候选人参与竞选,力求在民主党和共和党两大党主导的美国政治生态中谋得发展,另一方面通过在年轻人中加强组织动员工作,巩固党的阶级基础,扩大社会... 展开



Abstract:Since its establishment in 1919,the CPUSA has experienced many state-supported terrorism and lynching,such as the Palmer Raids in 1919-1920,expelled from trade union by McCarran Internal Security Act of 1950 and outlawed by the Communist Control Act of 1954,etc. The CPUSA played critical roles in the earliest class struggles to organize American workers into unions,and later make mistake on routine to follow Soviet Union aimlessl... 展开

Abstract:Since its establishment in 1919,the CPUSA has experienced many state-supported terrorism and lynching,such as the Palmer Raids in 1919-1920,expelled from trade union by McCarran Internal Security Act of 1950 and outlawed by the Communist Control Act of 1954,etc. The CPUSA played critical roles in the earliest class struggles to organize American workers into unions,and later make mistake on routine to follow Soviet Union aimlessly. Based on these experiences and lessons,the CPUSA promotes bill of rights socialism as its target in 1996. Today the CPUSA always support the Democratic Party in elections in order to defeat the “ultra right”,which may be helpful for CPUSA to stand up in political ecosystem of two major parties-Democrats and Republicans. At the same time,the CPUSA tries to organize the youth through outreach in order to reinforce its class base and manifest its existence. Of course,the CPUSA often demonstrate its special viewpoint on international issues,by which to tell Americans about the truth of capitalism and imperialism from a particular left wing. Anyway either historical or practical data prove that CPUSA will need more great efforts to fulfil its goal.


