文章摘要:在萨摩亚的课堂里,学生的沉默(萨摩亚语称为lē-tautala)是一种文化沟通实践,就像在社群交流中那样。沉默在家庭环境中受到鼓励,其最重要的含义是对长者或访客表示尊敬。但正如本文所阐释的,沉默其实具有多重含义。本文旨在报告一项探析沉默现象的研究之发现,该研究探索了通过沉默实践所传达的多重含义,以及违背其文化倾向强求学生发言可能会产生的后果。本文同时也阐明了沉默这一文化实践对于面向萨摩亚学生的教学、学习和测试的一些启示,不论这些教学活动是发生... 展开
Abstract:In Samoan classrooms,student silence or lē-tautala is a cultural communication practice,as it is in the community. The most significant meaning promoted in the home context is that of respect for elders or visitors,but as this paper explains,lē-tautala has multiple meanings. This paper reports on the findings of a research that unpacked lē-tautala. It looks at the multiple meanings communicated via the practice of lē-tautala a... 展开