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作者:徐亦行 马星凝 出版日期:2022年01月 报告页数:17 页 报告大小: 报告字数:16370 字 所属丛书:葡语国家蓝皮书 所属图书:葡语国家发展报告(2021) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:新冠肺炎疫情突袭而至,葡萄牙政府积极应对,并在2020年底开始推行疫苗接种。疫情发展使得葡萄牙的经济下滑,支柱行业受挫,尤其是贸易和旅游业,均受到了严重影响。虽然政府出台多项措施应对经济危机,但葡萄牙失业率继续有所上升,社会贫困问题仍然存在,移民政策推进减缓。外交关系中,葡萄牙将欧洲和大西洋作为优先范畴,与中国的关系较为密切。O ano de 2020 testemunhou um grande surto global da pandemia de COVID-19. A situação em Portugal foi relativamente... 展开

文章摘要:新冠肺炎疫情突袭而至,葡萄牙政府积极应对,并在2020年底开始推行疫苗接种。疫情发展使得葡萄牙的经济下滑,支柱行业受挫,尤其是贸易和旅游业,均受到了严重影响。虽然政府出台多项措施应对经济危机,但葡萄牙失业率继续有所上升,社会贫困问题仍然存在,移民政策推进减缓。外交关系中,葡萄牙将欧洲和大西洋作为优先范畴,与中国的关系较为密切。O ano de 2020 testemunhou um grande surto global da pandemia de COVID-19. A situação em Portugal foi relativamente moderada nas fases iniciais e posteriormente tornou-se mais grave. O governo respondeu à situação ativamente e iniciou a campanha de vacinação no final do ano. A pandemia provocou uma desaceleração económica e contratempo


Abstract:The year 2020 saw a major global outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. The situation in Portugal was relatively moderate in the early stages and later became more severe. The government responded to the situation actively and started inoculation campaign at the end of the year. The pandemic led to a downturn in Portugal’s economy and setbacks in its pillar sectors,particularly in trade and tourism. Although the government took a number... 展开

Abstract:The year 2020 saw a major global outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. The situation in Portugal was relatively moderate in the early stages and later became more severe. The government responded to the situation actively and started inoculation campaign at the end of the year. The pandemic led to a downturn in Portugal’s economy and setbacks in its pillar sectors,particularly in trade and tourism. Although the government took a number of measures to deal with the economic crisis,unemployment rate still rose,social poverty remained a problem and the advancement of immigration policy slowed down. In terms of diplomatic relations,Portugal prioritized Europe and the Atlantic Ocean while remained a close relationship with China.



