文章摘要:2020年,长江经济带积极强化生态系统修复,打好污染防治攻坚战,提升环境监管能力,推动绿色低碳发展,加强长江岸线整治等,长江经济带生态环境发展水平进一步提升,长江经济带生态大保护形成广泛共识,长江环境质量持续向好,生态环境恶化趋势得到初步遏制,资源利用效率稳步提升。通过构建指标体系对长江经济带生态绿色发展水平进行评估发现,长江经济带绿色发展水平呈现出东中西部梯次分布特征,但各省市绿色发展水平差距总体缩小。西部地区绿色生态领域具有优势,东部... 展开
Abstract:The Yangtze River Economic Belt(YREB)is the main battlefield of China’s ecological priority green development. In recent years,the provinces and cities in the YREB have actively promoted the improvement of the ecological environment and promoted the overall green transformation of economic and social development. The ecological and environmental protection of the YREB has undergone turning changes. In 2020,the YREB has actively s... 展开