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作者:覃庆玲 惠志斌 出版日期:2018年11月 报告页数:20 页 报告大小: 报告字数:16800 字 所属丛书:网络空间安全蓝皮书 所属图书:中国网络空间安全发展报告(2018) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:当今世界正在进入以信息产业为主导的经济发展时期,全球数字化浪潮风起云涌。特别是2017年以来,全球数字经济加速成形,并进入带动传统经济向新经济发展的爆发期和黄金期。在数字经济大潮下,网络空间安全也呈现远不同于以往的趋势特点,新型网络攻击、隐私泄露、虚假新闻等各类安全问题更加突出。网络空间安全已成为事关全球各国和地区安全的重要问题。然而,随着网络空间治理逐步深入,各国围绕网络空间利益的竞合博弈更趋复杂激烈,各类国际规则制定进程更加曲折反复。... 展开



Abstract:The world today is entering a period of economic development led by the information industry. Since 2017,the global digital economy has entered a golden period that will drive the development of the traditional economy to the new economy. Under the tide of digital economy,cyberspace security presents a trend that is far different from the past。There are more obvious security problems such as new cyber attack,privacy leak and fake ... 展开

Abstract:The world today is entering a period of economic development led by the information industry. Since 2017,the global digital economy has entered a golden period that will drive the development of the traditional economy to the new economy. Under the tide of digital economy,cyberspace security presents a trend that is far different from the past。There are more obvious security problems such as new cyber attack,privacy leak and fake news. Cyberspace security is an important issue concerning the security of all countries and regions. However,with the deepening of international cyberspace governance,the competition rivalry between countries for the interests of cyberspace has become more complex and intense,and the development of various international rules is even more difficult. As a the world’s key player,China should seize opportunities presented by the new round of industrial revolution and digital economy,meet the challenges of cyberspace security.



