文章摘要:高举“不要东方,不要西方,只要伊斯兰”口号的伊朗,在外交政策上一直在政治身份和现实利益之间进行平衡。作为伊朗北部最大邻国,同为什叶派伊斯兰国家的阿塞拜疆在纳卡冲突中并未得到伊朗的支持。阿塞拜疆的民族主义威胁着伊朗北部地区稳定和民族团结,伊朗倡导的“泛伊斯兰”政治思想威胁着阿塞拜疆的政治稳定。伊朗警惕阿塞拜疆民族主义情绪,但又受到“泛伊斯兰”政治理念束缚,不能与同为什叶派国家的阿塞拜疆公开对立。伊朗与阿塞拜疆的双边关系,反映出伊朗外交动... 展开
Abstract:Under the principle of “Neither East nor West,but just Islam”,Iran’s considerations over political identity and realistic interests have become important topics for Middle East studies. In the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict of 2020,Tehran’s attitudes became an important opportunity to review Iran’s foreign policies. As Iran’s northern neighbor and a state shares Shia Islam with Iran,Azerbaijan failed to receive assistance and sup... 展开