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作者:郭朝先 刘芳 邓雪莹 皮思明 出版时间:2016年07月 报告页数:21 页 报告大小: 报告字数:21141 字 所属丛书:“一带一路”蓝皮书 所属图书:“一带一路”建设发展报告(2016) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:当前,“一带一路”产能合作取得了多方面的积极进展,产能合作规模迅速增长,合作方式多种多样,各项政策逐步完善和落实,“走出去”产业既有传统优势产业,又有新兴优势产业,在国有企业主导产能合作的同时,民营企业异军突起。但目前“一带一路”产能合作还处于起步阶段,存在诸多困难和问题,主要有:促进产能合作的体制机制不健全,支持服务体系建设滞后;国外制度环境和技术标准差异大,中国企业应对准备不足;中国企业“走出去”尚未形成合力,部分领域存在同业竞争... 展开



Abstract:At present,the production capacity cooperation along “the Belt and Road” has made good progress in various aspects such as rapid increase of the production capacity,diversified ways of cooperation,gradual improvement in carrying out various relevant policies,increase of “export-oriented” enterprises with advantages in both traditional and emerging industries,a boom of private enterprises while state-owned enterprises keeping ... 展开

Abstract:At present,the production capacity cooperation along “the Belt and Road” has made good progress in various aspects such as rapid increase of the production capacity,diversified ways of cooperation,gradual improvement in carrying out various relevant policies,increase of “export-oriented” enterprises with advantages in both traditional and emerging industries,a boom of private enterprises while state-owned enterprises keeping the dominant production capacity. However,the production capacity cooperation along “the Belt and Road” still remains at the preliminary stage with many difficulties and problems to be solved. For example,the system and mechanism to promote production capacity collaboration is unsound and the construction of the supporting service system is lagging;there exist great differences in corresponding systems and technological standards under foreign circumstances,for which the Chinese enterprises are not fully prepared yet;Chinese “export-oriented” enterprises have not joined their forces,causing horizontal self-competition among them in some areas;there is a lack of ability in enterprises for internationalization,especially a lack of internationalized talent teams;the sovereign credit of the countries along the proposed route is poor,with the existence of extraterritorial long-term risks.Henceforth,These difficulties and problems need to be solved step by step,and there is a great space for production capacity collaboration between China and most of the other countries along the proposed route in the future,according to an estimate based on Industrial Complementary Index. Therefore,this paper suggests corresponding measures from such aspects as the establishment of a sound system and mechanism for boosting production capacity collaboration and a sound supporting service system,the implementation of localization tactics,the innovation of business operation models,the cultivation and scout of internationalized talents as well as a focused study on the countries along “the Belt and Road”.






