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作者:刘胜 出版日期:2016年08月 报告页数:31 页 报告大小: 报告字数:23286 字 所属丛书:广东外经贸蓝皮书 所属图书:广东对外经济贸易发展研究报告(2015~2016) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:近年来随着国内外竞争的加剧,依靠传统生产模式的广东制造业的发展面临着严峻的挑战,转型升级迫在眉睫。从工业增加值对总产值占比数据来看,广东制造业的发展优势正在逐年消失,其工业增加值越来越跟不上工业总产值的发展速度。作为我国主要的外商来华投资目的地和中国对外投资第一大省,广东应该利用FDI的流动加速其制造业升级。鉴于此,本文将对双向直接投资与广东制造业升级的关系进行梳理与实证分析,这将对进一步探索如何促使“引进来”和“走出去”战略相结合以加... 展开



Abstract:In the recent years,with the aggravation of the competition both at home and abroad,the development of the manufacturing industry in Guangdong Province relying on the traditional mode of production is facing severe challenges. The transformation and upgrading are imminent. According to the ratio data of the industrial added value to the total output value,it has been seen that the advantage of the manufacturing industry in Guangdon... 展开

Abstract:In the recent years,with the aggravation of the competition both at home and abroad,the development of the manufacturing industry in Guangdong Province relying on the traditional mode of production is facing severe challenges. The transformation and upgrading are imminent. According to the ratio data of the industrial added value to the total output value,it has been seen that the advantage of the manufacturing industry in Guangdong is gradually disappearing. Growth of its industrial added value is increasingly unable to keep up with the development of output value. As a main destination of inward foreign direct investment(FDI)and a major source of outbound direct investment in China,Guangdong should make full use of these two ways of FDI flows to accelerate updating its manufacturing industry. In view of this,this paper empirically analyzes the relation between two-way direct investment and upgrading of the manufacturing industry in Guangdong. This would provide an initial study to explore how to combine “Introduction” and “Going out” strategies to accelerate industrial upgrading.


